mY Work Flow Process

While I am quite aware of how cliché my process might be, I like to clearly identify it to bring to your attention that it is not just the process that is important. Discipline to the process is just as paramount. Commitment to the process allows one to understand working flow, identify flaws in the process, make recommendations to improve and above all, anticipate how changes will effect the process flow.


Understanding the cleint’s desires is critical in creating the proper foundations for a project to succeed.  A project is viable if you can establish that the user desires are in sync with the business objectives. 

There are a number of standard methods I use but I always like to make a concerted effort and put emphasis in directly engaging the client to get clear understanding on what I can create for them. 

It’s not just the glaring issues but the subtle nuances that a quality, in-depth discovery phase establishes. 


After getting a firm grasp of the project objectives and issues to be solved, I begin to try to develop workable solutions. 

My initial work is always done sketched, but as data is collected, clear roadmaps for rapid development start to take shape. 

I love to be innovative but also am well aware of current trends and standards to build off of.


A constant and healthy cycle of quick design and refinement is fueled by the additional insight given by team members and cross functional teams.

Usability testing brings in new data and begins the cycle again.  

Knowledge Base

Marketing and Brand Management
Content Building
Project Management
Usability Research and Testing
Visual Design
Interactive Prototypes
Augmented Reality UX